Low Carb Eating

If you are implementing a low-carbohydrate eating plan in order to lose weight, cut back on refined foods, or regulate your blood sugar levels - this recipe is for you. You can make frittata several different ways, but this is the way I have always found easiest and fastest. Using whatever vegetables you have on hand, do just a quick saute and broil and you’re done in about 10 minutes flat. Now that we have almost finished setting up our chicken coop in the backyard, it’s a matter of weeks before I’ll have freshly laid eggs to use in recipes just like this. Very exciting. Grass-fed-free-range chickens that can forage for their own food tend to produce eggs with higher nutritional content while having less cholesterol, more vitamins, and more omega-3 fatty acids! Eggs are also a “complete protein” food. They have ALL 9 essential amino acids that humans need to sustain life. Perfect for vegetarians and omnivores alike. 

Anytime Frittata:

8 humanely-raised, free-range eggs

splash of organic cream

sea salt and pepper

2-3 stalks kale, ripped to shreds

2-3 large mushrooms, sliced thin

¼ red onion, chopped or sliced thin

olive oil

Set oven to broil. Heat oil in an oven-proof skillet on medium-high heat. You may also want to spray the skillet with oil to coat the edges well beforehand. Saute veggies for 4-5 minutes until softened. Turn heat down to medium. Whisk eggs, cream, salt, pepper in a bowl and pour mixture over veggies, fold in eggs and disperse veggies evenly though egg mixture with spatula a few times. Let cook until eggs begin to set. When you jiggle the pan there may be uncooked egg mixture on the top, but towards the bottom they should not move. Transfer skillet to broiler and cook another 2-3 minutes until eggs puff up and begin to brown on top! Serve warm or at room temp with greens, salad, or vegetables. Low-carb has never been so satisfying! ♥