Spring Health: Aligning with Nature


I’m talking about spring health this week in collaboration with Neu Skin Austin - check out her post about how to nourish your skin this spring as well! Spring means Growth, Flexibility, Green, Upward and Outward motion, Movement, Expansion, Newness, Emergence, Cleansing, Renewal. We can tune in to connect with ourselves & the world by any of these actions. The LIver and Gall Bladder are associated with springtime in TCM. Doing a food or energetic cleanse is always optimal at this time. Using therapeutic foods that promote gentle detoxification like burdock root, dandelion, wheat grass, beet and beet greens; or chlorophyll rich foods like any fresh green herbs/ micro greens/ spirulina that promote cleansing but also renewal is wonderful. Sour flavors are also key - lemon, lime, apple cider vinegar, fermented and pickled vegetables. Moving your body with yoga, walking, time outdoors, rock climbing… anything you enjoy! Spend time considering your goals for spiritual and professional growth or change. Spring is a great time to start something new while we are surrounded by the expansive energy and growth happening around us. Spring is also an ideal time to consider changing or leaving anything that is no longer serving you - whether it be an exhausting job, relationship, old habit, or addiction. The Liver embodies a refined assertiveness that is timely, skillful, strategic and forceful, yet remains flexible. When this organ is out of balance we tend to see anger and frustration arise. You may also ask yourself, how could I be more flexible with myself and with others?

Most people have seen spirulina used in smoothies to add a superfood boost to their day, but I wanted to share 2 other ways (besides taking a capsule) you can use spirulina in your kitchen. This is an ideal superfood for spring. Besides mother’s milk, spirulina is the highest source of GLA-rich oils we can consume. These oils are very light for the body and increase metabolism and fat burn-off, similar to flaxseed oil. Spirulina reduces heat signs in the body and can be a key factor in building good blood quality (as in anemia), it is also very easily digestible - suitable for all body types as it is nurturing yet also offers cleansing action due to the high chlorophyll content. A super-green food for a super-green season, & a must-have in your pantry!

Spirulina Gomasio

1 Tbsp black sesame seeds

½ Tbsp white sesame seeds

1 tsp course sea salt

1 tsp dulse flakes

1 tsp spirulina powder 

Mix all components in to a small container and store in the fridge for several weeks. Use as a spice topping liberally on anything from rice bowls, veggies, salads, porridge, soups or popcorn :) 

Spirulina Salad Dressing

3 Tbsp sesame tahini

Juice 1 lemon

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp spirulina powder (or start at ½ if you’re not used to the taste)

2 pitted dates

½ cup water

¼ tsp salt

Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth, using more or less water depending on the consistency you like. Great on salad greens, grilled veggies, grain bowls, or as a dip. 

Back to School Battle Plan!

The kiddos head back to school this week and it’s a good idea to be prepared for the ups and downs the beginning of the school year may bring for our little ones - physically, energetically, and/or emotionally. There are some GREAT herbs - in pediatric formulations - that can assist your child by stabilizing their immune systems, nourishing their energy to stay focused, and easing emotional transitions. These are 3 of my favorite herbal formulas for children to help get them through the back-to-school phase and beyond:


Children’s Jade Defense Formula (by Golden Flower - shown above): This formula can be used for several different applications. Foremost is for recovery following an illness. Fever and cough deplete the body, and it is important to replenish qi after a cold, cough, or other acute sickness. Secondly, I use it when a parent asks me what can I do to boost their child’s immune system, especially when sickness is running rampant at day-care or school.  It’s great for this & can safely be taken for a long time, or off and on during the school year. The third application is before and during allergy season. Overall, Jade Defense is a wonderful immune formula for your child! 

Peaceful Focus Formula (by Blue Poppy): This formula treats the most commonly seen multi-pattern presentation of ADHD which is a liver-spleen disharmony with heat and restless heart spirit in Chinese medicine. If your child is having trouble focusing, fidgeting, having poor sleep or feeling irritable and restless in the classroom - Peaceful Focus can help them stay grounded and soothe their restless mind-body connection. 

Quiet Calm (by Kan Gentle Warriors): Like the digestive and respiratory systems, the mind and nervous system of a young child are rapidly changing, and many youngsters have not yet learned how to adjust smoothly to the flux that surrounds them. Often, but not always, tantrums, crying spells, nightmares, agitation, irritability, and anxiety are harbingers of natural and expected phenomena of growth: meeting new people & adapting to school, playgroups, or babysitters can conspire to upset the apple cart of daily life for the infant, toddler, and older child. Quiet Calm can help ease these transitions when emotions are high and hard to handle. 

* All of these pediatric formulas listed above are available at herbal medicine stores with a prescription - call me for details or a consultation for your child. *

… And don’t forget nourishing your child should always begin with food! Packing a healthy and inspiring lunch is a good place to start. Check out Weelicious for delightfully yummy pics and recipes for your kids’ lunch boxes and more.